The Scrum Master Guide: A practical guide to successfully practicing Scrum and achieving Scrum Master certifications
The Scrum Master Guide: A practical guide to successfully practicing Scrum and achieving Scrum Master certifications Aut...
The Scrum Master Guide: A practical guide to successfully practicing Scrum and achieving Scrum Master certifications Aut...
Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript Author: Bruce A. Tate (A...
From Ruby to Elixir: Unleash the Full Potential of Functional Programming Author: Stephen Bussey (Author) Publisher fine...
Phoenix in Action Authors: Geoffrey Lessel ISBN-10: 1617295043 ISBN-13: 9781617295041 Edition 版本: 1 Released: 2019-05-1...
Elixir in Action, Third Edition Author: Saša Juric (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Manning Edition 版本: 3rd Publicat...
Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir: Develop lightning-fast web applications using Phoenix and metaprogramming by Adi...