Software Testing for Managers: An Introduction to Strategies, Technologies, and Best Practices
Software Testing for Managers: An Introduction to Strategies, Technologies, and Best Practices Author: Ross Radford (Aut...
Software Testing for Managers: An Introduction to Strategies, Technologies, and Best Practices Author: Ross Radford (Aut...
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty Author: Daron Acemoglu (Author), James A. Robinson (Auth...
Go by Example: Programmer’s guide to idiomatic and testable code Author: Inanc Gumus (Author) Publisher finelybook...
The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library,2nd Edition ...
Front-Line Leadership: How to Eliminate Complacency and Build All-In Engagement Author: Patrick Nelson (Author) Publishe...
INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual: Needs, Requirements, Verification, Validation Across the Lifecycle Author: Louis S...
Ultimate Laravel for Modern Web Development: Build Robust and Interactive Enterprise-Grade Web Apps using Laravel’...
Ultimate Typescript Handbook: Build, scale and maintain Modern Web Applications with Typescript (English Edition) Author...
Refactoring in Java: Improving code design and maintainability for Java developers Author: Stefano Violetta (Author) Pub...
Mastering Spring Boot 3.0: A comprehensive guide to building scalable and efficient backend systems with Java and Spring...