Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart
Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart Author:Written by Isaac Lyman Edited by Zao Yang Publisher finelybook...
Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart Author:Written by Isaac Lyman Edited by Zao Yang Publisher finelybook...
Flutter Design Patterns and Best Practices: Build scalable, maintainable, and production-ready apps using effective arch...
The Dart Programming Language Author:Gilad Bracha (Author), Erik Meijer (Foreword) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Addison-Wes...
Flutter App Development: How to Write for iOS and Android at Once Author: Rap Payne (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: ...
Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5: Craft modern full-stack projects with Bun, PostgreSQL, Svelte, TypeScript,...
Flutter Apprentice (Fourth Edition): Learn to Build Cross-Platform Apps Author: Kodeco Team (Author), Kevin D Moore (Aut...
Ultimate Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development: Build Seamless Cross-Platform Flutter UIs with Dart, Dynamic Widget...
Flutter for Beginners: Cross-platform mobile development from Hello, World! to app release with Flutter 3.10+ and Dart 3...
Machine Learning with LightGBM and Python: A practitioner’s guide to developing production-ready machine learning ...
Confident Data Science: Discover the Essential Skills of Data Science (Confident Series, 15) by: Adam Ross Nelson (Autho...