Structural Mathematical Modeling Applications in Technological Machines and Transportation Vehicles

Structural Mathematical Modeling Applications in Technological Machines and Transportation Vehicles
by Andrey Eliseev (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Engineering Science Reference (June 2, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 300 pages
ISBN-10: 1668472384
ISBN-13: 9781668472385

Book Description

“The monograph is devoted to the development of the basis of modern machine science. A wide class of problems of dynamics of mechanical engineering objects operating under conditions of intense dynamic loading is considered. The basis of the approach is the formation of mathematical models of technical objects that can be displayed using mechanical oscillatory systems with several degrees of freedom and concentrated parameters”–
As technology continues to advance, the complexity of technological machines and transportation vehicles increases, presenting new challenges in assessing their dynamic properties. A thorough explanation of new forms of construction of mathematical models that take into account the potential occurrence of new standard links in the initial oscillatory structures is needed for a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by the dynamics of machines. Structural Mathematical Modeling Applications in Technological Machines and Transportation Vehicles by Andrey Eliseev evaluates solutions on how to accurately assess the dynamic properties of modern machines. Eliseev’s in-depth analysis of the interconnectedness of the processes of studying the state of the technical object, evaluating its dynamic properties, and solving specific problems of dynamic interaction of machine elements provides a unique perspective on the challenges posed by machine dynamics. This book is an essential resource for specialists in the field of research, design, and calculations of technical objects exposed to dynamic loads, as well as students and postgraduates of technical specialties related to the application of system analysis and mathematical modeling.

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