SQL Essentials For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Author:Richard Blum (Author), Allen G. Taylor (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:For Dummies
Edition 版本:1st edition
Publication Date 出版日期:2024-12-24
Language 语言:English
Print Length 页数:208pages
Book Description
From the Back Cover
Stop the endless search for SQL queries
Imagine having a book to consult at any time to brush up on your SQL skills. SQL Essentials For Dummies is that book―a no-frills guide to mastering SQL commands and database management. This straighforward resource is packed with clear explanations and step-by-step examples to deliver just what you need to work with databases effectively. Great for those who are new to SQL and experienced SQLers who need a quick reference, this guide offers the perfect balance of clarity and practicality to help you succeed.[><]
- Finding clear, concise explanations
- Getting only the examples you need
- Setting up a new database
- Managing access to data
- Changing and deleting data
- Defining relationships
- Keeping your database secure
- Getting tips for using SQL efficiently
About the Author
Richard Blum is a network and systems administrator. He has worked with database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Rich also teaches online courses in programming.
Allen G. Taylor is author of more than 40 books, including SQL For Dummies. He also teaches database development through a leading online education provider.
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