Solidity Programming Essentials: A guide to building smart contracts and tokens using the widely used Solidity language, 2nd Edition

Solidity Programming Essentials: A guide to building smart contracts and tokens using the widely used Solidity language, 2nd Edition
Author: Ritesh Modi
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Packt Publishing; 2nd edition (June 10, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 412 pages
ISBN-10: 1803231181
ISBN-13: 9781803231181

Book Description

A comprehensive guide sprinkled with lots of hands-on code samples to get you up and running with Solidity and writing your smart contracts on Blockchain and Ethereum
Key Features
Learn proven smart contract implementation challenges and solve them using Solidity
Go deeper into Solidity to write effective upgradable and maintainable smart contracts using best practices
Get to grips with the latest version of Solidity with updated codes and examples
Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts, and the syntax has large similarities with JavaScript, thereAuthor: making it easier for developers to learn, design, compile, and deploy smart contracts on large blockchain ecosystems including Ethereum and Polygon among others. This book guides you in understanding Solidity programming from scratch.
The book starts with step-Author: -step instructions for the installation of multiple tools and private blockchain, along with foundational concepts such as variables, data types, and programming constructs. You’ll then explore contracts based on an object-oriented paradigm, including the usage of constructors, interfaces, libraries, and abstract contracts. The following chapters help you get to grips with testing and debugging smart contracts. As you advance, you’ll learn about advanced concepts like assembly programming, advanced interfaces, usage of recovery, and error handling using try-catch blocks. You’ll also explore multiple design patterns for smart contracts alongside developing secure smart contracts, as well as gain a solid understanding of writing upgradable smart concepts and data modeling. Finally, you’ll discover how to create your own ERC20 and NFT tokens from scratch.
Author: the end of this book, you will be able to write, deploy, and test smart contracts in Ethereum.
What you will learn
Write efficient, effective, and secure smart contracts
Code, compile, and test smart contracts in an object-oriented way
Implement assembly code in Solidity
Adopt upgradable and haltable ownership and security design patterns
Understand exception handling and debugging in Solidity
Create new ERC20 and NFT tokens from the ground up

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