Signals and Systems using MATLAB
Authors: Luis Chaparro Ph.D. University of California Berkeley – Aydin Akan Ph.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA USA
by: Luis Chaparro
ISBN-10: 0128142049
ISBN-13: 9780128142042
Edition 版本: 3
Released: 2018-11-01
Print Length 页数: 836 pages
Book Description
Signals and Systems Using MATLAB,Third Edition,features a pedagogically rich and accessible approach to what can commonly be a mathematically dry subject. Historical notes and common mistakes combined with applications in controls,communications and signal processing help students understand and appreciate the usefulness of the techniques described in the text. This new edition features more end-of-chapter problems,new content on two-dimensional signal processing,and discussions on the state-of-the-art in signal processing.
Introduces both continuous and discrete systems early,then studies each (separately) in-depth
Contains an extensive set of worked examples and homework assignments,with applications for controls,communications,and signal processing
Begins with a review on all the background math necessary to study the subject
Includes MATLAB® applications in every chapter
Part 1: Introduction
0 From the Ground Up!
Part 2: Theory and Applications of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
1Continuous-Time Signals
2 Continuous-Time Systems
3 The Laplace Transform
4Frequency Analysis: The Fourier Series
5Frequency Analysis: The Fourier Transform
6Application of Laplace Analysis to Control
7 Fourier Analysis in Communications and Filtering
Part 3: Theory and Applications of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
8 Sampling Theory
9 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
10The Z-transform
11 Discrete Fourier Analysis
12 Introduction to the Design of Discrete Filters
APPENDIX A. Useful Formulas
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