Rust In Practice: A Programmers Guide to Build Rust Programs, Test Applications and Create Cargo Packages, 2nd Edition

Rust In Practice, Second Edition 版本:‏ A Programmers Guide to Build Rust Programs, Test Applications and Create Cargo Packages
Author: Rick Tim (Author), Ralph J (Author), B Anderson (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ GitforGits
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd ed.
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-04-19
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 246 pages
ISBN-10: 8119177762
ISBN-13: 9788119177769

Book Description

Learn to Build Rust Programs, Test Applications and Create Your Own Cargo Packages with latest Rust 1.77

“Rust In Practice, Second Edition” is an updated book that builds on the previous edition’s excellent foundation and is intended to help readers progress from novice to proficient Rust developers. This new edition comes with Rust 1.77 version that goes deeper into Rust’s core and advanced capabilities, making it suitable for learners at all levels.

Beginning with a basic introduction to Rust syntax and semantics, the Second Edition provides a clearer and more detailed explanation of Rust’s distinctive ownership model and type system. Readers will thoroughly explore control flow, error management, and Rust’s main data types, laying a solid foundation for more advanced topics. The book includes additional chapters on smart pointers, sophisticated error handling techniques, and the complexities of concurrency and parallelism, which address real-world programming issues. The book covers how to incorporate asynchronous programming features into projects, how to utilize and maintain Cargo, and a more in-depth look at Rust’s standard library and the external crates ecosystem.

“Rust In Practice, Second Edition” is intended to serve as both a learning tool and a reference for developing high-performance applications. It is packed with professional advice, clear explanations, and practical examples. This book will not only teach you Rust programming, but it will also help you design software that is strong, simple, efficient, and easily maintainable.

Key Learnings

  • Master Cargo and its extensive command suite to streamline project builds and dependency management.
  • Deepen your grasp of Rust’s type system, emphasizing ownership and borrowing to efficiently manage memory.
  • Utilize advanced traits and generics to create flexible, reusable software components.
  • Leverage closures, iterators, and asynchronous programming for high-performance, multi-threaded applications.
  • Utilize collections, enhance string operations, and execute effective I/O.
  • Explore sophisticated macro usage for metaprogramming and strategies to avoid unsafe code.
  • 75+ practical examples showcasing Rust’s latest features and best practices.
  • Apply rigorous testing methods across diverse Rust applications, with new testing frameworks and methodologies.

Table of Content

  1. Why Rust!
  2. Getting Ready with Rust Environment
  3. Most Essentials of Rust
  4. Structs
  5. Enums and Pattern Matching
  6. Exploring Ownership and Borrowing
  7. Cargo, Crates and Packages
  8. Cargo Commands
  9. Rust Standard Library
  10. Smart Pointers and Reference Cycles

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