RESTFul Web Service Development with Jersey 2.x

RESTFul Web Service Development with Jersey 2.x by [Sun,Han]

RESTFul Web Service Development with Jersey 2.x
by: Han Sun
Pages: 262 pages
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
Released: 2016-08-25

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Jersey framework (an implementation of JAX-RS specification) as the application development framework for RESTFul web service development. This book is short,about 260 pages. The topics I have covered include: 1) Using JAX-RS annotations to construct a web service which is accessible with a URL created using the same annotations. 2) Using JAX-RS annotations to route the incoming requests to a specific web resource (a class or a method in a class that can handle incoming REST request). 3) Using JAX-RS annotations to specify how the parameters can be passed from a client to the web resource,via http request header,from the URL path,from request body,from cookies,etc. 4) Using JSON,or XML to pass request and response data. 5) Various uses of Jersey clients to communicate with web service. 6) How to handle binary data,streams,exceptions,and other types of HTTP data. 7) Basics of authentication and authorization. 8) Self-hosting,and dependency injection.

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