RESTful Web API Design with Node.js,2nd Edition

RESTful Web API Design with Node.js Second Edition
by Valentin Bojinov 
pages 页数:  148 pages
Publisher Finelybook 出版社:  Packt Publishing; 2nd Revised edition edition (26 May 2016)
Language 语言:  English
ISBN-10 书号:  1786469138
ISBN-13 书号:  9781786469137
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt
Create a fully featured RESTful API solution from scratch.
Learn how to leverage Node.JS,Express,MongoDB and NoSQL datastores to give an extra edge to your REST API design.
Use this practical guide to integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application.

Book Description
In this era of cloud computing,every data provisioning solution is built in a scalable and fail-safe way. Thus,when building RESTful services,the right choice for the underlying platform is vital. Node.js,with its asynchronous,event-driven architecture,is exactly the right choice to build RESTful APIs.
This book will help you enrich your development skills to create scalable,server-side,RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform.
Starting with the fundamentals of REST,you will understand why RESTful web services are better data provisioning solution than other technologies. You will start setting up a development environment by installing Node.js,Express.js,and other modules. Next,you will write a simple HTTP request handler and create and test Node.js modules using automated tests and mock objects. You will then have to choose the most appropriate data storage type,having options between a key/value or document data store,and also you will implement automated tests for it. This module will evolve chapter by chapter until it turns into a full-fledged and secure Restful service.

What you will learn
Install,develop,and test your own Node.js user modules
Comprehend the differences between an HTTP and a RESTful application
Optimize RESTful service URI routing with best practices
Eliminate third-party dependencies in your tests with mocking
Learn about NoSQL data stores and integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application with Mongoose
Secure your services with NoSQL database integration within Node.js applications
Enrich your development skills to create scalable,server-side,RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform

About the Author
Valentin Bojinov studied computer programming at the Technological School of Electronic Systems in Sofia,Bulgaria,a college within the Technical University of Sofia. He was introduced to programming there and realized that his career would be in research and development. He holds a BSc in telecommunication and informationengineering. Then,his interest in data transmission grew,and he ventured into B2B (business-to-business) communication. He is currently pursuing his MSc in software development. Valentin is an expert in Java,SOAP,RESTful web services,and B2B integration.
A few years after he started his career as a .NET developer,he realized that B2B and SOA were his passion. He then moved to SAP,where he contributed to the development of the web services stack of the SAP JEE platform. He currently works as a senior Java developer for the Bulgarian branch of Seeburger AG,a leader in the B2B and MFT solutions market. There,he develops and maintains several B2B communication adapters,including web services and SAP adapters.
Chapter 1. Rest – What You Did Not Know
Chapter 2. Getting Started With Node.Js
Chapter 3. Building A Typical Web Api
Chapter 4. Using Nosql Databases
Chapter 5. Implementing A Fully-Fledged Restful Service
Chapter 6. Keeping The Bad Guys Out
从头开始创建一个功能齐全的RESTful API解决方案。
了解如何利用Node.JS,Express,MongoDB和NoSQL数据存储为REST API设计提供了额外的优势。
在这个云计算时代,每个数据配置解决方案都以可扩展和故障安全的方式构建。因此,在构建RESTful服务时,底层平台的正确选择至关重要。 Node.js具有异步的事件驱动架构,是构建RESTful API的正确选择。
从REST的基础开始,您将了解为什么RESTful Web服务是比其他技术更好的数据配置解决方案。您将通过安装Node.js,Express.js和其他模块来开始设置开发环境。接下来,您将编写一个简单的HTTP请求处理程序,并使用自动测试和模拟对象创建和测试Node.js模块。然后,您将必须选择最合适的数据存储类型,在键/值或文档数据存储之间具有选项,并且还将实施自动测试。该模块将逐章演变,直到它变成一个完整和安全的Restful服务。
瓦伦丁·博伊诺夫(Valentin Bojinov)在保加利亚索非亚的电子系统技术学院学习计算机程序设计,这是索菲亚技术大学的一所大学。他被介绍到那里编程,并意识到他的职业生涯将在研究和开发中。他拥有电信和信息工程学士学位。然后,他对数据传输的兴趣不断增加,他冒险进入B2B(企业对企业)沟通。他目前正在软件开发中攻读硕士学位。 Valentin是Java,SOAP,RESTful Web服务和B2B集成方面的专家。
在他作为.NET开发人员开始职业生涯的几年后,他意识到B2B和SOA是他的激情。然后,他转移到SAP,为SAP JEE平台的Web服务堆栈的开发作出了贡献。他目前是B2B和MFT解决方案市场领先企业Seeburger AG保加利亚分公司的资深Java开发人员。在那里,他开发和维护了多个B2B通信适配器,包括Web服务和SAP适配器。
第1章休息 - 你不知道什么
第3章构建典型的Web Api

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