Reactive Programming for .NET Developers

Reactive Programming for .NET DevelopersReactive Programming for .NET Developers
by: Antonio Esposito – Michael Ciceri
ISBN-10: 1785882880
ISBN-13: 9781785882883
Released: 2016-07-29
Pages: 276

Book Description

Key Features
Get to grips with the core design principles of reactive programming
Learn about Reactive Extensions for .NET through real-world examples
Improve your problem-solving ability by applying functional programming

Book Description

Reactive programming is an innovative programming paradigm focused on time-based problem solving. It makes your programs better-performing,easier to scale,and more reliable.
Want to create fast-running applications to handle complex logics and huge datasets for financial and big-data challenges? Then you have picked up the right book!
Starting with the principles of reactive programming and unveiling the power of the pull-programming world,this book is your one-stop solution to get a deep practical understanding of reactive programming techniques. You will gradually learn all about reactive extensions,programming,testing,and debugging observable sequence,and integrating events from CLR data-at-rest or events. Finally,you will dive into advanced techniques such as manipulating time in data-flow,customizing operators and providers,and exploring functional reactive programming.
By the end of the book,you’ll know how to apply reactive programming to solve complex problems and build efficient programs with reactive user interfaces.
What you will learn
Create,manipulate,and aggregate sequences in a functional-way
Query observable data streams using standard LINQ query operators
Program reactive observers and observable collections with C#
Write concurrent programs with ease,scheduling actions on various workers
Debug,analyze,and instrument Rx functions
Integrate Rx with CLR events and custom scheduling
Learn Functional Reactive Programming with F#
About the Author
Antonio Esposito is a Microsoft Certified Trainer,software architect,father,son,and lover of cooking and eating. He has been addicted to computer programming from age 8,a developer since 2002,and a speaker from 2010. He has moved across Europe in the last fifteen years working as freelance consultant or speaker for companies such as UniCredit Bank,Ferrari F1 Racing Team,Microsoft Italy,IBM,and many others. He actively attends as a speaker at a lot of conferences,such as MCT Summit and WPC Italy. He is already an author for Packt with Learning .NET High Performance Programming in 2014.
Michael Ciceri is a technology consultant in .NET Framework and Microsoft. He is a functional programming,mathematics,technology,psychology,and science enthusiast. He started as an autodidact and passionately became an analyst and software developer in several areas,such as image processing,banking ATM services security,intranet back end,app monetizing. Recently,he has been working on the analysis and development of functions in the core application to solve problems or improve capabilities.
Chapter 1. First Steps Toward Reactive Programming
Chapter 2. Reactive Programming With C#
Chapter 3. Reactive Extension Programming
Chapter 4. Observable Sequence Programming
Chapter 5. Debugging Reactive Extensions
Chapter 6. Clr Integration And Scheduling
Chapter 7. Advanced Techniques
Chapter 8. F# And Functional Reactive Programming
Chapter 9. Advanced Frp And Best Practices

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