Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Simulation using Python: A gentle introduction

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Simulation using Python: A gentle introduction (IOP ebooks)
by 作者: Shinil Cho
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Institute of Physics Publishing (30 July 2022)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 200 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 0750339616
ISBN-13 书号: 97807503396

Book Description
This book provides an easy-to-read but practical introduction to quantum gate simulation to serious learners of the subject. Fundamental physical concepts and selected programming examples of quantum simulations are described for readers who want to use the simulation with a physical understanding background without the use of rigorous mathematics. This book is intended to offer a self-study book for senior and graduate students of physics, computer science, and mathematics who want to learn and write quantum codes. It may also serve as a textbook or a reference in academia and industry. Readers are expected to have introductory knowledge of linear algebra although it is briefly reviewed in this book. Some experience of computer programming is helpful, but no prior knowledge of Python is required for writing the quantum codes shown in this book
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