Python Programming for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to Learn Python Programming

Python Programming for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to Learn Python Programming: Crash Course on Python Programming for Beginners Kindle Edition
by AMZ Press
Publication date: November 28, 2022
Language 语言: English
File size: 20944 KB
Print Length 页数: 152 pages

Book Description

Python is a programming language that has existed for over 20 years. The history of Python started in the late 1980s when its founder, Guido van Rossum, started working on it. The inspiration for Python programming came from the ABC programming language, whose first version was introduced in 1987. Guido van Rossum was one of the main implementers of the ABC programming language.
Later, in 1989, he started developing Python, and the very first version, 0.9, was released for usage in February 1991. Since then, Python has been in development for over two decades and consists of a wide community of developers who keep releasing newer updates and features of the programming language.
Guido van Rossum was given the title of “Benevolent dictator for life” by the members of the Python community to honor him for his long-term dedication and commitment to the project and for being the project leader for such an extended period.
The programming language was named “Python” because Guido van Rossum liked a BBC comedy series called “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. He wanted the name to be short, unique, and slightly mysterious, thus ending up the programming language “Python”.
The legacy version of Python, named Python 2.x, was in use all over the world for a fair amount of time. However, after it reached version 2.7, the legacy version stopped receiving features and security updates. The newest Python version is named Python 3.x and is in use now. Most people also shifted from the legacy version to the newer version. In this book, we will be using one of the Python 3.x versions.

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