Python Brain Teasers: 30 brain teasers to tickle your mind and help become a better developer

Python Brain Teasers: 30 brain teasers to tickle your mind and help become a better developer.
Author: Miki Tebeka (Author)
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2020-undefined-May
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 101 pages
ISBN-13: 9798643432357

Book Description

The Python programming language is a simple one, but like all other languagesit has its quirks. This book uses these quirks as a teaching opportunity. Byunderstanding the gaps in your knowledge – you’ll become better at what you do.There’s a lot of research showing that people who make mistakes during thelearning process learn better than people who don’t. If you use this approachwhen fixing bugs – you’ll find you enjoy bug hunting more and become a betterdeveloper after each bug you fix.These teasers will help you avoid mistakes. Some of the teasers are from my ownexperience shipping bugs to production, and some from others doing the same.Teasers are fun! We geeks love to solve puzzles. You can also use these teasersto impress your co-workers, have knowledge competitions and become bettertogether.Many of these brain teasers are from quizzes I gave at conferences andmeetups. I’ve found out that people highly enjoy them and they tend to liventhe room.At the beginning of each chapter I’ll show you a short Python program and willask you to guess the output. The possible answers can be:- Syntax error- Exception- Hang- Some output (e.g. `[1 2 3]`)Before moving on to the answer and the explanation, go ahead and guess theoutput. After guessing the output I encourage you to run the code andsee the output yourself, only then proceed to read the solution andthe explantation. I’ve been teaching programming for many years and found thiscourse of action to be highly effective. Amazon page

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