Protecting SQL Server Data

Protecting SQL Server DataProtecting SQL Server Data
by: John Magnabosco
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Red Gate
Published: 2009
Pages: 232
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
ISBN13 Digital: 9781906434267
ISBN10 Digital: 1906434263
PDF Size: 4.0 MB

Book Description

In Protecting SQL Server Data,John Magnabosco demonstrates how sensitive data,stored in SQL Server,can be protected using an efficient and maintainable encryption-based data architecture.
He explains how to assess and categorize data elements according to sensitivity,regulate access to the various categories of data using database roles,views and stored procedures,and then how to implement a secure data architecture using features such as cell-level encryption,transparent data encryption,one-way encryption,obfuscation,and more.
The battle to secure personal and business data is a tough one,and the consequences of mishandling sensitive data can be severe. Even more damaging than the fines and lawsuits that can be result from non-compliance with regulations,is the loss of customer confidence that results when these breaches of security occur.
Database Administrators must use every weapon and strategy at their disposal in the “war” to protect their sensitive data from would-be hackers,phishers,rumor mongers and identity thieves. Encryption is one of the primary weapons with which this battle can be won.
This open book is licensed strictly for personal or educational use. You can download Protecting SQL Server Data ebook for free in PDF format (4.0 MB).
Chapter 1Understanding Sensitive Data
Chapter 2Data Classification and Roles
Chapter 3Schema Architecture Strategies
Chapter 4Encryption Basics for SQL Server
Chapter 5Cell-Level Encryption
Chapter 6Transparent Data Encryption
Chapter 7One-Way Encryption
Chapter 8Obfuscation
Chapter 9Honeycombing a Database
Chapter 10Layering Solutions
Appendix AViews and Functions Reference
Appendix BThe HomeLending database
Protecting SQL Server Data 9781906434267.pdf

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