Programming in Parallel with CUDA: A Practical Guide

Programming in Parallel with CUDA: A Practical Guide
Author: Richard Ansorge
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Cambridge University Press; New edition (July 31, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 395 pages
ISBN-10: 1108479537
ISBN-13: 9781108479530

Book Description

CUDA is now the dominant language used for programming GPUs, one of the most exciting hardware developments of recent decades. With CUDA, you can use a desktop PC for work that would have previously required a large cluster of PCs or access to a HPC facility. As a result, CUDA is increasingly important in scientific and technical computing across the whole STEM community, from medical physics and financial modelling to big data applications and beyond. This unique book on CUDA draws on the author’s passion for and long experience of developing and using computers to acquire and analyse scientific data. The result is an innovative text featuring a much richer set of examples than found in any other comparable book on GPU computing. Much attention has been paid to the C++ coding style, which is compact, elegant and efficient. A code base of examples and supporting material is available online, which readers can build on for their own projects.
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