Programming Arduino with LabVIEW

Programming Arduino with LabVIEWProgramming Arduino with LabVIEW
by 作者: Marco Schwartz – Oliver Manickum
ISBN-10 书号: 1849698228
ISBN-13 书号: 9781849698221
Publication Date 出版日期: 2015-01-29
Pages 页数: 111
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt

Book Description
Build interactive and fun learning projects with Arduino using LabVIEW
About This Book
Use LabVIEW to automate your Arduino projects without writing code
Control your Arduino projects wirelessly from LabVIEW
Multiple projects with step-by-step practical implementation
Who This Book Is For
If you already have some experience with LabVIEW and want to apply your skills to control physical objects and make measurements using the Arduino sensor,this book is for you. Prior knowledge of Arduino and LabVIEW is essential to fully understand the projects detailed in this book.
In Detail
This book covers several projects that you can build using LabVIEW and Arduino. You will learn how to use LabVIEW to control your Arduino projects simply by dragging and dropping blocks in LabVIEW.
The book starts with some basic projects that you will create in order to learn how to interface LabVIEW and Arduino. For example,you will learn how to control a motor from the LabVIEW interface. Then,the book dives into more complex projects,such as building a weather measurement station,making a simple alarm system,and controlling a mobile robot wirelessly via LabVIEW.
Going through the projects of this book will allow you to automate your Arduino projects without writing a single line of code,therefore creating complex projects in little time.

Chapter 1: Welcome to LabVIEW and Arduino
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino
Chapter 3: Controlling a Motor from LabVIEW
Chapter 4: A Simple Weather Station with Arduino and LabVIEW
Chapter 5: Making an XBee Smart Power Switch
Chapter 6: A Wireless Alarm System with LabVIEW
Chapter 7: A Remotely Controlled Mobile Robot
Programming Arduino with LabVIEW 9781849698221.pdf

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