Programming Abstractions in C++

Programming Abstractions in C++
by: Eric Roberts
ISBN-10: 0133454843
ISBN-13: 9780133454840
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Released: 2013-08-07
Pages: 960

Book Description

This text is intended for use in the second programming course
Programming is a matter of learning by: doing. Eric Roberts’ Programming Abstractions in C++ gives students opportunities to practice and learn with engaging graphical assignments. A client-first approach to data structures helps students absorb,and then apply the material.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This program presents a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It will help:
Improve Student Comprehension with a Client-first Approach to Data Structures: To aid in student understanding,this book presents the full set of collection classes early.
Defer the Presentation of C++ Features that Require a Detailed Understanding of the Underlying Machine: Introducing collection classes early enables students to master other equally important topics without having to struggle with low-level details at the same time.
Engage Students with Exciting Graphical Assignments: An open-source library supports graphics and interactivity in a simple,pedagogically appropriate way.
Support Instructors and Students: The companion website provides source code,sample run PDFs,answers to review questions,and more.
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