Professional JavaScript for Web Developers,4th Edition

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
Authors: Matt Frisbie
ISBN-10: 1119366445
ISBN-13: 9781119366447
Edition 版本:‏ 4
Released: 2019-10-15
Print Length 页数: 1200 pages

Book Description

Update your skill set for ECMAScript 2019 with the ultimate JavaScript guide for pros.
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is the essential guide to next-level JavaScript development. Written for intermediate-to-advanced programmers,this book jumps right into the technical details to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated JavaScript developer. From JavaScript-specific object-oriented programming and inheritance,to combining JavaScript with HTML and other markup languages,expert instruction walks you through the fundamentals and beyond. This new fourth edition has been updated to cover through ECMAScript 2019; new frameworks and libraries,new techniques,new APIs,and more are explained in detail for the professional developer,with a practical focus that helps you put your new skills to work on real-world projects.
The latest–and most dramatic–ES release is already being incorporated into JavaScript engines in major browsers; this,coupled with the rise in mobile web traffic increasing demand for responsive,dynamic web design,means that all web developers need to update their skills–and this book is your ideal resource for quick,relevant guidance.
Get up to date on ECMAScript through ES2019,including classes,promises,async/await,proxies,iterators,generators,symbols,modules,and spread/rest operators.
Delve into fundamental web development concepts such as the document object model (DOM),browser object model (BOM),events,forms,JSON,error handling,and web animation.
Learn about advanced browser APIs such as geolocation,web workers,service workers,fetch,atomics,streams,message channels,performance timelines,and web cryptography.
Work hands-on with hundreds of working code examples that demonstrate concepts clearly and concisely.
Even if you think you know JavaScript,new ES releases bring big changes that will affect the way you work. For a professional-level update that doesn’t waste time on coding fundamentals,Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is the ultimate resource to bring you up to speed.
1 What Is JavaScript?
2JavaScript in HTML
3 Language Basics
4 Variables,Scope,and Memory
5 Basic Reference Types
6 Collection Reference Types
7 lterators and Generators
8 Objects,Classes,and Object-Oriented Programming
9 Proxies and Reflect
10 Functions
11 Promises and Async Functions
12 The Browser Object Model
13 Client Detection
14The Document Object Model
15 DOM Extensions
16DOM Levels 2 and3
17 Events
18 Animation and Graphics with Canvas
19 Scripting Forms
20JavaScript APIs
21 Error Handling and Debugging
22 XML in JavaScript
24 Network Requests and Remote Resources
25 Client-Side Storage
27 Workers
28 Best Practices
AES2018 and ES2019
B Strict Mode
C JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
D JavaScript Tools

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