Numbers and Computers

Numbers and ComputersNumbers and Computers
by: Ronald T. Kneusel
ISBN-10: 3319505076
ISBN-13: 9783319505077
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd ed. 2017
Released: 2017-03-10
Pages: 346

Book Description

“This book can be profitably read by: anyone who is interested in computers and is willing to occasionally slog through perhaps unfamiliar territory with minimal guidance. … details are explained thoroughly,with utmost clarity and specificity. Each chapter ends with a summary,recommendations,exercises,and a set of carefully selected references. This small book provides a solid foundation for further exploration and study. It can be especially valuable to computer science and electrical engineering students.” (Edgar R. Chavez,Computing Reviews,February,2016)
“This book is,on one level,a discussion of how computers work with numbers. It tells how computers represent numbers such as integers,floating point numbers,big integers,decimals,and what is more,how one can write one’s own routines to operate on numbers. … If this makes you wonder about the utility of computers and how to better understand numerical representations and calculations,you will do well to add this book to your winter reading list.” (David S. Mazel,MAA Reviews,,January,2016)
“The book starts with an overview on number systems. … The book is a good source of information for all who wants to learn how numbers are represented in computers and how computations are performed.” (Michael Jung,zbMATH 1330.65002,2016)
“This book … should be on the bookshelf of every software developer. … Each chapter has a nicely composed set of exercises and a well-constructed set of references. The book contains numerous algorithmic examples presented throughout the text in C-like code that is easy to follow,as well as a well-organized index. … Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates,graduate students,researchers/faculty,two-year technical program students,and professionals/practitioners.” (J. Beidler,Choice,Vol.53 (4),December,2015)
1. Standard Representations
1. Number Systems
2. Integers
3. Floating Point
4. Pitfalls of Floating-Point Numbers (and How to Avoid Them)
2. Other Representations
5. Big Integers and Rational Arithmetic
6. Fixed-Point Numbers
7. Decimal Floating Point
8. Interval Arithmetic
9. Arbitrary Precision Floating-Point
10. Other Number Systems

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