Multilevel Modeling Using R,2nd Edition

Multilevel Modeling Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Authors: W. Holmes Finch
ISBN-10: 1138480673
ISBN-13: 9781138480674
Edition 版本:‏ 2
Released: 2019-05-22
Print Length 页数: 252 pages

Book Description

Like its bestselling predecessor,Multilevel Modeling Using R,Second Edition provides the reader with a helpful guide to conducting multilevel data modeling using the R software environment.
After reviewing standard linear models,the authors present the basics of multilevel models and explain how to fit these models using R. They then show how to employ multilevel modeling with longitudinal data and demonstrate the valuable graphical options in R. The book also describes models for categorical dependent variables in both single level and multilevel data.
New in the Second Edition 版本:‏
Features the use of lmer (instead of lme) and including the most up to date approaches for obtaining confidence intervals for the model parameters.
Discusses measures of R2 (the squared multiple correlation coefficient) and overall model fit.
Adds a chapter on nonparametric and robust approaches to estimating multilevel models,including rank based,heavy tailed distributions,and the multilevel lasso.
Includes a new chapter on multivariate multilevel models.
Presents new sections on micro-macro models and multilevel generalized additive models.
This thoroughly updated revision gives the reader state-of-the-art tools to launch their own investigations in multilevel modeling and gain insight into their research.
1: Linear Models
2: An Introduction to Multilevel Data Structure
3: Fitting Two-Level Models in R
4: Three-Level and Higher Models
5: Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Multilevel Models
6: Graphing Data in Multilevel Contexts
7: Brief Introduction to Generalized Linear Models
8: Multilevel Generalized Linear Models(MGLMs)
9: Bayesian Multilevel Modeling
10: Advanced Issues in Multilevel Modeling

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