Microsoft Power Platform Enterprise Architecture: Design tailor-made solutions for architects and decision makers to meet complex business requirements, 2nd Edition

Microsoft Power Platform Enterprise Architecture: Design tailor-made solutions for architects and decision makers to meet complex business requirements, 2nd Edition 2nd edition
by Robert Rybaric(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing; 2nd edition (January 31, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 534 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1804612634
ISBN-13 书号: 9781804612637

Book Description
This book is for enterprise architects and technical decision makers who are faced with the task of designing a Microsoft Power Platform solution, and who would benefit from learning about solution architecture models, methodologies, and patterns for their projects. We got the following reviews from professional architects:
“As a 16x Microsoft certified solution architect, consultant, project manager, and developer, I think this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to develop their skills in designing and managing complex Power Platform solutions; I highly recommend it!”
– Thomas Rice, Microsoft certified solution architect
“This book provides a solid understanding of how Microsoft 365 and Power Platform work together and offers detailed information on the architecture. While it has a theoretical approach, it also provides real-world scenarios to bring the theories to life and demonstrates how architecture operates in practice.”
— Mary Angiela Cerbolles, Dual Microsoft MVP, productivity analyst
Key features
This book utilizes the following advantages to help readers design and implement enterprise-level solutions:
An experienced author who actively creates enterprise solutions using Microsoft technology, acts as a consultant, and offers training modules.
Diagrams that illustrate the intricacies of Microsoft cloud structure, environment strategies, integration models, and more.
A complete example that is revisited in every chapter, so you can see how decision makers can apply this book in real life.

What you will learn
In this book, you’ll learn about the high-level decisions and approaches that will be needed in any enterprise solution project.
The book begins with a run-down of all the Power Platform, Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and Azure components that could possibly be needed in your architecture. You will learn to identify which components should be selected for your project.
Then you will learn how to combine all these components into a fully-fledged solution. This includes overviewing the tools and techniques you can employ to connect components as well as observing application lifecycle management (ALM) practices and diagrams to create a sustainable solution.
Finally, you’ll learn how to integrate the solution into a company’s IT infrastructure. You’ll be presented with some important questions to answer when determining the best way of performing the integration. Best practices will also be presented for migrating data from legacy systems into Dataverse.
The specific topics covered in this journey are outlined below:
Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Overview
Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure Overview
Understanding the Microsoft Power Platform Architecture
Power Platform Customization and Development Tools and Techniques
Application Lifecycle Management
Implementation Approach and Methodologies
Microsoft Power Platform Security
Microsoft Power Platform Extensibility
Microsoft Power Platform Integration
Microsoft Power Platform Data Migration
Best Practices for Solution Architecture
See also
You can learn more about this book and the author who wrote in the From the Publisher section below.

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