Mastering Java EE Development with WildFly 10

Mastering Java EE Development with WildFly 10Mastering Java EE Development with WildFly 10
by: Luca Stancapiano
ISBN-10: 1787287173
ISBN-13: 9781787287174
Released: 2017-07-06
Pages: 442

Book Description

Key Features
Master Java EE development with the latest WildFly 10 application server.
Integrate with JSF and JMS and use efficient load balancing techniques to create real-time apps
Integrate your backend JavaScript code seamlessly into Java applications

Book Description

Packed with rich assets and APIs,Wildfly 10 allows you to create state-of-the-art Java applications. This book will help you take your understanding of Java EE to the next level by creating distributed Java applications using Wildfly.
The book begins by showing how to get started with a native installation of WildFly and it ends with a cloud installation. After setting up the development environment,you will implement and work with different WildFly features,such as implementing JavaServer Pages. You will also learn how you can use clustering so that your apps can handle a high volume of data traffic. You will also work with enterprise JavaBeans,solve issues related to failover,and implement Java Message Service integration. Moving ahead,you will be working with Java Naming and Directory Interface,Java Transaction API,and use ActiveMQ for message relay and message querying. This book will also show you how you can use your existing backend JavaScript code in your application.
By the end of the book,you’ll have gained the knowledge to implement the latest Wildfly features in your Java applications.
What you will learn
Configure the development environment along with native and cloud installation of WildFly
Write a DB schema and the relative entities and how to use the relationships between the entities
Analyze with examples all the java annotations to manage the EJB and the configuration to get better performances
Write different REST services through the EJB
Implement Web sockets 1.0 and know why and when use the web sockets
Work with Active MQ and write JMS clients to manage the authentication and authorization in the clients
Configure the mail server through the wildfly console
Learn how and when to use a new feature JAX-RS 2.0,which is the asynchronous call through REST
Use the new JSF features of Wildfly 10 such as Mojarra 2.2,JSF 2.2,Richfaces 4.5
About the Author
Luca Stancapiano has been working in the IT industry since 2000. He specializes in Java EE and JBoss,and has collaborated with Apache,Alfresco,Atliassian,EXo,and JBoss communities on several open source products for many years. He lives in Italy and collaborates with leading consulting companies for design and implementation of applications for both government and private companies dealing with information,finance,and transport. Abroad,he is known for his interventions at the Daily Telegraph in portals. He brings projects such as Wildfly,Alfresco ECM,Activiti,JGroups,Arquillian,Exo Portal,Solr,Infinispan,JBoss Portal ,Gatein,Jira,and Confluence,and manages Vige,an open source community specializing in open government and smart cities. He is one of the authors of the Gatein Cookbook,showing Gatein’s portal and how to develop portlets with it,published in 2012 by Packt.
Chapter 1. Introducing Java Ee And Configuring The Development Environment
Chapter 2. Working With Dependency Injection
Chapter 3. Persistence
Chapter 4. Implementing Business Logic
Chapter 5. Working With Distributed Transactions
Chapter 6. Creating Rest Services
Chapter 7. Implementing Web Sockets
Chapter 8. Working With Messaging
Chapter 9. Implementing A Mail Client
Chapter 10. Asynchronous Rest
Chapter 11. Asynchronous Ejb
Chapter 12. Batches And Workflows
Chapter 13. Working With Servlets And Jsp
Chapter 14. Writing A Jsf Application
Chapter 15. Sharing The Web Sessions
Chapter 16. Wildfly In Cloud
Chapter 17. Share Your Data
Chapter 18. Deployment
Chapter 19. Working With Osgi

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