Machine Learning by Tutorials: Beginning machine learning for Apple and iOS

Machine Learning by Tutorials (First Edition): Beginning machine learning for Apple and iOS
Authors: raywenderlich Tutorial Team – Matthijs Hollemans – Audrey Tam – Chris LaPollo
ISBN-10: 1942878583
ISBN-13: 9781942878582
Released: 2019-04-26
Print Length 页数: 539 pages

Book Description

Learn Machine Learning!
Machine learning is one of those topics that can be daunting at first blush. It’s not clear where to start,what path someone should take and what APIs to learn in order to get started teaching machines how to learn. This is where Machine Learning by Tutorials comes in! In this book,we’ll hold your hand through a number of tutorials,to get you started in the world of machine learning. We’ll cover a wide range of popular topics in the field of machine learning,while developing apps that work on iOS devices.
This books is for the intermediate iOS developer who already knows the basics of iOS and Swift development,but wants to understand how machine learning works.
Topics covered in Machine Learning by Tutorials
CoreML: Learn how to add a machine learning model to your iOS apps,and how to use iOS APIs to access it.
Create ML: Learn how to create your own model using Apple’s Create ML Tool.
Turi Create and Keras: Learn how to tune parameters to improve your machine learning model using more advanced tools.
Image Classification: Learn how to apply machine learning models to predict objects in an image.
Convolutional Networks: Learn advanced machine learning techniques for predicting objects in an image with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).
Sequence Classification: Learn how you can use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to classify motion from an iPhone’s motion sensor.
Text-to-text Transform: Learn to how machine learning can be used to convert bodies of text between two languages.
Machine Learning by Tutorials
What You Need
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About the Cover
Section l: Machine Learning with lmages
Chapter 1: Machine Learning,iOS & You
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Image Classification
Chapter 3: Training the Image Classifher
Chapter 4: Getting Started With Python & Turi Create
Chapter 5: Digging Deeper Into Turi Create
Chapter 6. Taking Control of Training with Keras
Chapter 7: Going Convolutional
Chapter 8: Advanced Convolutional Neural Networks
Chapter 9: Beyond Classification
Chapter 10: YOLO and Semantic Segmentation
Section ll: Machine Learning with Sequences
Chapter 11: Data Collection for Sequence Classification
Chapter 12: Training a Model for Sequence Classification
Chapter 13: Sequence Classification
Section ll: Natural Language Processing
Chapter 14: Natural Language Clasifcation
Chapter 15: Natural Language Transformation,Part 1
Chapter 16: Natural Language Transformation,Part 2
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