Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart

Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart

Line-of-Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart

Author:Written by Isaac Lyman Edited by Zao Yang

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎

Edition 版本:‏ ‎ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ ‎ 2025

Language 语言: ‎ English

Print Length 页数: ‎ 242 pages

Book Description

Line of Business Mobile Apps with Flutter and Dart. Distribute and Deploy to iOS and Android from a Single Codebase

Flutter is a popular cross-platform development framework. It’s packed with off-the-shelf features and focused on developer ergonomics, which means you can build faster and deploy to more platforms with fewer dependencies. Some parts of the framework will catch you by surprise, though, especially if you’re used to developing for the web or writing native apps. This course will walk you through the creation of a Flutter app from setup to final package and help you develop a mental model that will carry you through the most common problems Flutter devs encounter.
By the end of these 10 modules you’ll have built:

A Flutter seed project that can manage state, swap out color palettes, and handle deep links
An accessible, error-resistant profile page that fetches data from a web API
A responsive data table and data-driven visualizations
A complete app ready to deploy to iPhone and Android
What You Will Build
Build 4 mobile apps

Build a secure login modal with HTTP authentication and persistent cookies
Build responsive, nested layouts and intuitive user interactions
Build fast, informative data visualizations
Build interactive data tables

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PDF, EPUB, ZIP | 49 MB | 2025-01-30
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