Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Applications, Performance and Challenges

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Applications, Performance and Challenges
Author: Lorena Martínez Zamora and Noelia Castillejo Montoya
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Edition 版本:‏ 0
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 1633438511
ISBN-13: 9798891134904

Book Description

This book has focused on the latest technological advances of LEDs and micro-LEDs in different fields of knowledge such as the food and pharmaceutical industries. However, it is worth highlighting the great development they have had in agriculture, both in pre- and post-harvest, and even in livestock and aquaculture. Looking towards the future, the potential applications of LED lighting technologies continue to evolve and expand. The knowledge and experiences shared in this book not only reflect the current state of the art, but also lay the groundwork for future innovations. As LED technology continues to advance, we anticipate that its influence will extend far beyond our current knowledge, offering novel solutions and possibilities in a multitude of industries and disciplines. In the pages that follow, we invite you to explore not only our past achievements, but also the promising prospects that lie ahead in the dynamic world of LED lighting.

Table of contents
Preface ……………………………………………………………………………… vii
Acknowledgments …………………………………………………………………………… xi
Chapter 1 Introduction to Rare-Earth Free Luminescent
Materials for Light Emitting Diodes …………………………..1
Muddamalla Rakshita and Divi Haranath
Chapter 2 Recent Advances in Non-Rare Earth Based
Luminescent Materials for Display Devices ………………35
Muddamalla Rakshita and Divi Haranath
Chapter 3 Use and Benefits of Ultraviolet Micro-LED as
New Technologies in LED Lighting ……………………….. 103
Yoshihiko Muramoto, Masahiro Kimura and
Akihiro Kondo
Chapter 4 Latest Developments in LED Lighting for the
Greenhouse Vegetable Crop Production ………………… 119
Cinthia Nájera, Tâmmila Venzke Klug,
Margarita Ros, Victor M. Gallegos-Cedillo,
Diego A. Moreno and José Antonio Pascual
Chapter 5 Post-Harvest Influence of LED Lighting on the
Metabolic Pathways Involved in the
Biosynthesis of (Poly)phenolic Compounds
and Carotenoids ……………………………………………………. 155
Vanesa Núñez-Gómez, Olga Belén Ferrando,
Lorena Sánchez-Martínez,
Francisco Javier García-Alonso,
María Jesús Periago and Nieves Baenas
Chapter 6 Postharvest LED Lighting as Strategy to
Enhance the Biosynthesis of Glucosinolates and
Isothiocyanates in Horticultural Products ……………… 191
Lorena Martínez-Zamora, Marina Cano-Lamadrid,
Francisco Artés-Hernández and Noelia Castillejo
Chapter 7 Is There Any Significant Impact of Coloured
LED Lights on the Bioactive Compounds of Red
Radish (R. sativus L. cv. ‘Rambo’) Sprouts? ………….. 215
Ángel Abellán, Diego A. Moreno and
Cristina García-Viguera
Chapter 8 Application of LED Lighting in
Cereal Production: Use and Benefits ……………………… 231
Manuel Martínez-Bebiá, Rocío Peñalver,
Lorena Martínez-Zamora and Gema Nieto
Chapter 9 Effects of Different Monochromatic LED Light
on Fish and Shellfish: Growth, Physiology,
Behavior, Reproduction, Immunity, Gene
Expression, Antioxidant Activity,
Histomorphology, and Water Quality ……………………. 245
Eman M. Alkadom, Ahmed M. Abozeid,
Marwa F. Abd El-Kader and Radi A. Mohamed
Chapter 10 Current Clinical Trials on the Use of
Light-Emitting Diode as Treatment ……………………….. 297
José Ángel Salas-Millán and
Pilar Martínez-Albaladejo
About the Editors ………………………………………………………………………….. 325
Index …………………………………………………………………………….. 327

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