LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications (Remote Sensing Applications Series) 1st Edition
Author: Pinliang Dong,Qi Chen(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: CRC Press; 1st edition (December 13, 2017)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 220 pages
ISBN-10: 1482243016
ISBN-13: 9781482243017
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Ideal for both undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of geography, forestry, ecology, geographic information science, remote sensing, and photogrammetric engineering, LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications expertly joins LiDAR principles, data processing basics, applications, and hands-on practices in one comprehensive source.
The LiDAR data within this book is collected from 27 areas in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, and Haiti and includes 183 figures created to introduce the concepts, methods, and applications in a clear context. It provides 11 step-Author: -step projects predominately based on Esri’s ArcGIS software to support seamless integration of LiDAR products and other GIS data. The first six projects are for basic LiDAR data visualization and processing and the other five cover more advanced topics: from mapping gaps in mangrove forests in Everglades National Park, Florida to generating trend surfaces for rock layers in Raplee Ridge, Utah.
Offers a comprehensive overview of LiDAR technology with numerous applications in geography, forestry and earth science
Gives necessary theoretical foundations from all pertinent subject matter areas
Uses case studies and best practices to point readers to tools and resources
Provides a synthesis of ongoing research in the area of LiDAR remote sensing technology
Includes carefully selected illustrations and data from the authors’ research projects
Before every project in the book, a link is provided for users to download data
LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications
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