Learning Bulma: Understand How to Develop Responsive,Mobile-first Websites Using This Impressive,Modern Framework

Learning Bulma: Understand How to Develop Responsive,Mobile-first Websites Using This Impressive,Modern Framework
Authors: Aravind Shenoy
ISBN-10: 1484254813
ISBN-13: 9781484254813
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed.
Released: 2019-12-19
Print Length 页数: 199 pages

Book Description

Learn to use Bulma in your HTML file by applying easy-to-understand practical examples to create responsive and mobile-first websites.
Featuring a step-by-step approach,this book encourages you to modify its code examples and review the changes produced in the output,to thereby reveal the subtle nuances of this awesome utility.
Bulma is an impressive,modern framework utility that allows the easy construction of web pages thanks to the highly flexible Flex-box grid styles and simple syntax. You’ll see how to use Bulma’s intuitive CSS capabilities to create interactive websites that support responsive design by dynamically adjusting the layout resulting in an optimal viewing experience.
You’ll then delve into typical modifiers,columns,Flex-box grid styles,forms,elements,utilities,CSS components,and more. By the end of this book,you will be familiar with the inner workings of Bulma at an intermediate level and be equipped to aptly leverage Bulma’s utilities to streamline your web designing experience.
What You’ll Learn
Get started quickly with Bulma
Use the grid system,layout,content,and modifiers
Leverage Bulma’s built-in CSS utilities
Streamline the web design experience with Bulma’s flexible attributes
Effectively take a mobile-first approach

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