Learn Physics with Functional Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Exploring Physics with Haskell

Learn Physics with Functional Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Exploring Physics with Haskell
by Scott N. Walck
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ No Starch Press (January 31, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 648 pages
ISBN-10: 1718501668
ISBN-13: 9781718501669

Book Description

Deepen your understanding of physics by learning to use the Haskell functional programming language.
This book teaches you to solve physics problems using the functional programming paradigm. Ideal for first-time programmers and science aficionados alike, it introduces the Haskell programming language and encourages the writing of beautiful code to match the elegant ideas of theoretical physics.
Haskell’s powerful system of types is capable of encoding important mathematical structures like vectors, derivatives, integrals, scalar fields, and differential equations. In addition, you’ll explore Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetics, analyze source code, and discover why Haskell’s high-order functions and referential transparency serve physics so well.

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