Java 9 with JShell

Java 9 with JShell
Java 9 with JShell
by 作者: Gaston C. Hillar
ISBN-10 书号: 1787282848
ISBN-13 书号: 9781787282841
Publication Date 出版日期: 2017-04-06
Pages 页数: 421

Book Description
Explore Java 9 with JShell and UML
The release of Java 9 has brought many subtle and not-so-subtle changes to the way in which Java programmers approach their code. The most important ones are definitely the availability of a REPL,known as JShell,which will make experiments and prototyping much more straightforward than the old IDE-based project-led approach. Another,more subtle change can be seen in the module system,which will lead to more modularized,maintainable code. The techniques to take full advantage of object-oriented code,functional programming and the new modularity features in Java 9 form the main subjects of this book.
Each chapter will add to the full picture of Java 9 programming starting out with classes and instances and ending with generics and modularity in Java.
What You Will Learn
Engage with object-oriented programming in Java 9,starting with code snippets in JShell
Optimize your code,applying functional programming features
Discover the advantages of modularity.
Become very proficient at using JShell itself
Learn the new approach to Java programming,which uses the REPL as a prototyping tool

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