Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd Edition

Introduction to the Theory of Computation9781133187790

Introduction to the Theory of Computation
by 作者: Michael Sipser
ISBN-10 书号: 113318779X
ISBN-13 书号: 9781133187790
Edition 版本: 3
Publisher Finelybook 出版日期: 2012-06-27
Pages: 504

"The text meets my objectives very well. The author presents the material in an appealing manner,making a hard subject accessible and intuitive to the students. He manages to do that while maintaining the rigor and formalism that the subject warrants. The book has a lot of information packed in it,and can serve as a reference book for students interested in research in theoretical CS."
"As one of my students puts it,the book is 'fun to read and helps him learn the subject better'."
"This is a model for readability,with sensitivity for what students find difficult."
"Excellent prose (simple and succinct) with very good diagrams. It is by far the best presentation of automata in the business."
Michael Sipser has taught theoretical computer science and mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the past 32 years. He is a Professor of Applied Mathematics,a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL),and the current head of the mathematics department. He enjoys teaching and pondering the many mysteries of complexity theory.
Introduction. PART 1: AUTOMATA AND LANGUAGES. 1. Regular Languages. 2. Context-Free Languages. PART 2: COMPUTABILITY THEORY. 3. The Church-Turing Thesis. 4. Decidability. 5. Reducibility. 6. Advanced Topics in Computability Theory. PART 3: COMPLEXITY THEORY. 7. Time Complexity. 8. Space Complexity. 9. Intractability. 10. Advanced Topics in Complexity Theory. Selected Bibliography.


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