Implement NLP use-cases using BERT: Explore the Implementation of NLP Tasks Using the Deep Learning Framework and Python

Implement NLP use-cases using BERT: Top Expert-Led Coding Interview Question Bank for Python Aspirants (English Edition)Explore the Implementation of NLP … Framework and Python (English Edition)
by 作者: Amandeep
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: BPB Publications (April 17,2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 164 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 9390684625
ISBN-13 书号: 9789390684625

Book Description
State-of-the-art BERT implementation for text classification

Key Features
Provides a detailed explanation of the real world and industry wide NLP use-cases.
Provides a solid foundation of the state of the art language model BERT.
Provides methodologies to transform and fine tune the BERT model for a domain specific data.
This book provides a solid foundation for ‘Natural Language Processing’ with pragmatic explanation and implementation of a wide variety of industry wide scenarios. After reading this book,one can simply jump to solve real world problems and join the league of NLP developers.
It starts with the introduction of Natural Language Processing and provides a good explanation of different practical situations which are currently implemented across the globe. Thereafter,it takes a deep dive into the text classification with different types of algorithms to implement the same. Then,it further introduces the second important NLP use case called Named Entity Recognition with its popular algorithm choices. Thereafter,it provides an introduction to a state of the art language model called BERT and its application.
After reading this book,you would be prepared to start picking any NLP applications,have a healthy discussion about the pros and cons of different approaches with other team members,and definitely implement a good NLP model.
Finally,at the end of this book you will connect with all the theoretical discussions with code snippets (Python) which would be really helpful to implement into your domain-specific applications.

What you will learn
Learn to implement transfer learning on pre-trained BERT models.
Learn to demonstrate a production ready Text Classification for domain specific data and networking using Python 3.x.
Learn about the domain specific pre trained models with a library called `aiops` which has been specially designed for this book.
Explore and work with popular and industry targeted NLP algorithms
Implement NLP use-cases using BERT

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