Hello Raspberry Pi!: Python programming for kids and other beginners

Hello Raspberry Pi!: Python Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
Author: RYAN HEITZ (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Manning Publications
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2016-undefined-Jan.
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 311 pages
ISBN-10: 1617292451
ISBN-13: 9781617292453

Book Description

A fun and imaginative way for kids and other beginners to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi is a small, low-cost computer invented to encourage experimentation. The Pi is a snap to set up, and using the free Python programming language, you can learn to create video games, control robots, and maybe even write programs to do your math homework!

Hello Raspberry Pi! is a fun way for kids to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi. First, you discover how to set up and navigate the Pi. Next, begin Python programming by learning basic concepts with engaging challenges and games. This book gives you an introduction to computer programming as you gain the confidence to explore, learn, and create on your own. The last part of the book introduces you to the world of computer control of physical objects, where you create interactive projects with lights, buttons, and sounds.

What’s Inside

  • Learn Python with fun examples
  • Write games and control electronics
  • Use Pygame for video game sounds and graphics
  • Loaded with programming exercises

    About the Reader

    To use this book, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi starter kit, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. No programming experience needed.

About the Author

Ryan Heitz is a teacher, programmer, maker, father, and big kid. He is the co-founder of Ideaventions, an educational organization that is changing STEM education. He specializes in creating classes and teaching kids how to experience code in a fun and engaging way. As a programmer, Ryan has developed software for everything from NASA data collection systems to web mapping applications.

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