Growth Product Manager’s Handbook: Winning strategies and frameworks for driving user acquisition, retention, and optimizing metrics

Growth Product Manager’s Handbook: Winning strategies and frameworks for driving user acquisition, retention, and optimizing metrics
by 作者: Eve Chen (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing
Edition 版本: 1st
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-01-30
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 292 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1837635951
ISBN-13 书号: 9781837635955

Book Description

Achieve sustainable product growth with expert insights on data-driven decision-making and growth strategies to accelerate company’s growth

Key Features

  • Understand and implement key growth product management models to improve revenue, user adoption, and retention
  • Learn effective frameworks, strategies, and tactics for growth product management in various contexts
  • Develop practical strategies and insights to achieve customer lifetime goals
  • Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description

In the dynamic landscape of modern product management, professionals face a myriad of challenges, spanning customer acquisition, monetization, user retention, competition, and technical expertise. To overcome these hurdles, this book crystalizes growth strategies that revolve around harnessing the power of data, experimentation, and user insights to drive growth for a product.

This handbook serves as your guide to exploring the essential growth product management models and their applications in various contexts, unveiling their role in enhancing revenue performance and customer retention. Along the way, actionable steps will steer you in implementing these models while helping you better understand your users, experiment with new features and marketing strategies, and measure the impact of your efforts, ultimately guiding you to achieve your customer retention and lifetime customer goals.

By the end of this book, you’ll have gained advanced insights into growth product management, models, and growth strategies, and when and how to use them to achieve customer-for-life goals and optimized revenue performance.

What you will learn

  • Understand key growth product management models such as lean startup, pirate metrics, and AARRR frameworks
  • Optimize journeys, improve UX, and personalize interactions with retention and loyalty strategies
  • Explore model applications in SaaS, e-commerce, and mobile app development
  • Implement practical actions to prioritize, experiment, and measure
  • Get to grips with techniques of service, feedback, and rewards for customer retention
  • Set and achieve customer lifetime value goals for success
  • Discover effective strategies for achieving your customer-for-life goals

Who this book is for

Whether you’re a seasoned product manager, a newcomer to the field, or an aspiring growth product manager, this guide offers valuable insights and actionable strategies to drive growth and achieve success. Additionally, growth marketers and startup founders with basic product marketing knowledge will benefit from this book, expanding their understanding of growth-centric product management practices to elevate their careers and propel their companies to acquire more customers and reach customer-for-life goals.

Table of


  1. Introduction to Growth Product Management
  2. Understanding Product-Led Growth Management Models
  3. Understanding Your Customers
  4. Unlocking Success in Product Strategy and Planning
  5. Setting the Stage for a Powerful Product-Led Enterprise
  6. Defining and Communicating Your Product Value Proposition
  7. The Science of Growth Experimentation and Testing for Product-Led Success
  8. Define, Monitor, and Act on Your Performance Metrics
  9. Guiding Your Clients to the Pot of Gold
  10. Maintaining High Customer Retention Rates
  11. Unlocking Wallet Share through Expansion Revenue
  12. The Future of a Growth Product Manager

About the Author

Eve Chen is a best-selling author, coach, serial entrepreneur, veteran growth marketer, and change driver with extensive experience from several global organizations. In 2015, she developed the Revenue Generation Value Chain (RVC) and a maturity framework to guide organizations to transform into high-performing systems with a methodical approach and align their resources to build a robust growth engine to exceed their goals. Currently, she leads The Growth Engine, a revenue performance consulting firm that focuses on helping business leaders accelerate their revenue results, and holds the position of Growth Experience Officer (GXO) for MOD Commerce, a global solution provider that helps retailers do more and sell faster. Eve has an MBA from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management and is on the boards of several tech startup companies.

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