Getting started with SQL: Exercises with PhpMyAdmin and MySQL

GETTING STARTED WITH SQL: Exercises with PhpMyAdmin and MySQL Kindle Edition
by Remy Lentzner(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Remylent (March 9, 2023)
Publication date: March 9, 2023
Language 语言: English
File size: 4023 KB
isbn: 9782385180379
Pages 页数: 105 pages

Book Description
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a query language for relational database management. In this book, you will discover the basics of its organization and its characteristics. Using the PhpMyAdmin environment, you will learn how to create a database, tables, columns, constraints, keys (primary and foreign), joins and many other specificities.
SQL has a small set of statements and enables you to select records from one or more tables using the universal SELECT command.
Other expressions like UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE will help you to update, insert or delete records. You will also study several functions that manipulate text, dates and numbers.
Thanks to the exercises in this book, you will understand how a small set of statements can perform accurate actions and enhance your skills.
Enjoy your reading!
Rémy Lentzner has been an IT trainer since 1985. Specialized in mastering office automation tools, he supports companies in the professional training of their employees. Self-taught, he has several computer books to his credit.

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