Fuzzy Relational Mathematical Programming: Linear,Nonlinear and Geometric Programming Models

Fuzzy Relational Mathematical Programming: Linear,Nonlinear and Geometric Programming Models (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Authors: Bing-Yuan Cao – Ji-Hui Yang – Xue-Gang Zhou – Zeinab Kheiri – Faezeh Zahmatkesh – Xiao-Peng Yang
ISBN-10: 3030337847
ISBN-13: 9783030337841
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed. 2020
Released: 2019-11-22
Pages: 245 pages

Book Description

This book summarizes years of research in the field of fuzzy relational programming,with a special emphasis on geometric models. It discusses the state-of-the-art in fuzzy relational geometric problems,together with key open issues that must be resolved to achieve a more efficient application of this method. Though chiefly based on research conducted by the authors,who were the first to introduce fuzzy geometric problems,it also covers important findings obtained in the field of linear and non-linear programming. Thanks to its balance of basic and advanced concepts,and its wealth of practical examples,the book offers a valuable guide for both newcomers and experienced researcher in the fields of soft computing and mathematical optimization.

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