Explanatory Model Analysis: Explore,Explain,and Examine Predictive Models

Explanatory Model Analysis: Explore,Explain,and Examine Predictive Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)
by 作者: Przemyslaw Biecek and Tomasz Burzykowski
Pages 页数: 326
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (February 22,2021)
Language 语言: English
ISBN-10 书号: 0367135590
ISBN-13 书号: 9780367135591

Book Description
Explanatory Model Analysis Explore,Explain and Examine Predictive Models is a set of methods and tools designed to build better predictive models and to monitor their behaviour in a changing environment. Today,the true bottleneck in predictive modelling is neither the lack of data,nor the lack of computational power,nor inadequate algorithms,nor the lack of flexible models. It is the lack of tools for model exploration (extraction of relationships learned by 作者: the model),model explanation (understanding the key factors influencing model decisions) and model examination (identification of model weaknesses and evaluation of model’s performance). This book presents a collection of model agnostic methods that may be used for any black-box model together with real-world applications to classification and regression problems.

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