Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research,2nd Edition

Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read ResearchEvaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research
by 作者: Francis C. Dane
ISBN-10 书号: 1483373347
ISBN-13 书号: 9781483373348
Edition 版本: 2
Publication Date 出版日期: 2017-08-10
Pages 页数: 280

Book Description
Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research,Second Edition by Francis C. Dane offers readers a straightforward presentation of the key components of research and the skills they need to read and evaluate it. The book covers a range of research that students are most likely to encounter,from experimental to field research,and archival to evaluation research. The Second Edition features updated examples of research across disciplines,new and updated content on qualitative research and conceptual statistics,and a streamlined organization that better aligns with the order of information in a research article.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Scientific Approach
Chapter 3 Reading A Research Report
Chapter 4 Sampling
Chapter 5 Measurement
Chapter 6 Experimental Research
Chapter 7 Quasi-Experimental Research
Chapter 8 Qualitative Research
Chapter 9 Conceptual Overview Of Statistical Analyses
Chapter 10 Archival Research
Chapter 11 Survey Research

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