Essentials of Software Engineering,5th Edition

Essentials of Software Engineering 5th Edition
Author: Frank Tsui,Orlando Karam,Barbara Bernal
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Jones & Bartlett Learning; 5th edition (February 7,2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 450 pages
ISBN-10: 1284228991
ISBN-13: 9781284228991

Book Description

Written for the undergraduate,1-term course,Essentials of Software Engineering provides students with a systematic engineering approach to software engineering principles and methodologies. Comprehensive yet concise,the new edition covers some of the latest improvements in technology and tools,while reducing areas that are becoming less relevant. In-depth coverage of key issues,combined with a strong focus on software quality,makes Essentials of Software Engineering the perfect text for students entering the fast-growing and lucrative field of software development. The text includes thorough overviews of programming concepts,system analysis and design,principles of software engineering,development and support processes,methodologies,software testing,quality assurance,and product management,while incorporating real-world examples throughout. Key Features Presents a broad coverage of the software engineering field that lends itself well to an introductory course. Clearly differentiates and explains software engineering from the subtopics of software processes,software development,and software management. Expanded coverage of continuous integration and Agile methodologies. New coverage of contemporary design and development ideas,including SOA,microservices,virtualization,and containerization

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