Engineering a Compiler 3rd Edition
Author: Keith D. Cooper (Author), Linda Torczon (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
Edition 版本: 3rd
Publication Date 出版日期: 2022-10-16
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 848 pages
ISBN-10: 0128154128
ISBN-13: 9780128154120
Book Description
*Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) Textbook Excellence Award Winner, 2024* Engineering a Compiler, Third Edition covers the latest developments in compiler technology, with new chapters focusing on semantic elaboration (the problems that arise in generating code from the ad-hoc syntax-directed translation schemes in a generated parser), on runtime support for naming and addressability, and on code shape for expressions, assignments and control-structures. Leading educators and researchers, Keith Cooper and Linda Torczon, have revised this popular text with a fresh approach to learning important techniques for constructing a modern compiler, combining basic principles with pragmatic insights from their own experience building state-of-the-art compilers.
Presents in-depth treatments of algorithms and techniques used in the front end of a modern compiler
Pays particular attention to code optimization and code generation, both primary areas of recent research and development
Focuses on how compilers (and interpreters) implement abstraction, tying the underlying knowledge to students’ own experience and to the languages in which they have been taught to program
Covers bottom-up methods of register allocation at the local scope
Combines basic principles with pragmatic insights on how to build state-of-the-art compilers
From the Back Cover
Engineering a Compiler, Third Edition is full of technical updates, new material covering the latest developments in compiler technology, and a fundamental change in the presentation of the middle section of the book, with new chapters focusing on semantic elaboration (the problems that arise in generating code from the ad-hoc syntax-directed translation schemes in a generated parser), on runtime support for naming and addressability, and on code shape for expressions, assignments, and control-structures. Leading educators and researchers Keith Cooper and Linda Torczon have revised their popular text with a fresh approach to learning important techniques for constructing a modern compiler, combining basic principles with pragmatic insights from their own experience building state-of-the-art compilers.
About the Author
Dr. Cooper Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Computer Science at Rice University, is the leader of the Massively Scalar Compiler Project at Rice, which investigates issues relating to optimization and code generation for modern machines. He is also a member of the Center for High Performance Software Research, the Computer and Information Technology Institute, and the Center for Multimedia Communication — all at Rice. He teaches courses in Compiler Construction at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Linda Torczon is a principal investigator on the Massively Scalar Compiler Project at Rice University, and the Grid Application Development Software Project sponsored by the next Generation Software program of the National Science Foundation. She also serves as the executive director of HiPerSoft and of the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute. Her research interests include code generation, interprocedural dataflow analysis and optimization, and programming environments.