End-to-end Data Analytics for Product Development: A Practical Guide for Fast Consumer Goods Companies,Chemical Industry and Processing Tools Manufacturers

End-to-end Data Analytics for Product Development: A Practical Guide for Fast Consumer Goods Companies,Chemical Industry and Processing Tools Manufacturers (No Longer Used) Hardcover – 20 Feb. 2020
by: Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro ,Mattia De Dominicis ,Chris Jones ,Luigi SalmasoISBN-10: 1119483697
Print Length 页数: 312 pages
ISBN-13: 9781119483694
Product Dimensions2.29 x 23.37 cm
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Wiley (20 Feb. 2020)
Language 语言: English

Book Description

An interactive guide to the statistical tools used to solve problems during product and process innovation
End to End Data Analytics for Product Development is an accessible guide designed for practitioners in the industrial field. It offers an introduction to data analytics and the design of experiments (DoE) whilst covering the basic statistical concepts useful to an understanding of DoE. The text supports product innovation and development across a range of consumer goods and pharmaceutical organizations in order to improve the quality and speed of implementation through data analytics,statistical design and data prediction.
The book reviews information on feasibility screening,formulation and packaging development,sensory tests,and more. The authors – noted experts in the field – explore relevant techniques for data analytics and present the guidelines for data interpretation. In addition,the book contains information on process development and product validation that can be optimized through data understanding,analysis and validation. The authors present an accessible,hands-on approach that uses MINITAB and JMP software. The book:
Presents a guide to innovation feasibility and formulation and process development
Contains the statistical tools used to solve challenges faced during product innovation and feasibility
Offers information on stability studies which are common especially in chemical or pharmaceutical fields
Includes a companion website which contains videos summarizing main concepts
Written for undergraduate students and practitioners in industry,End to End Data Analytics for Product Development offers resources for the planning,conducting,analyzing and interpreting of controlled tests in order to develop effective products and processes.
End-to-end Data Analytics for Product Development 9781119483694.pdf[/erphpdown]

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