Empirical Cloud Security: Practical Intelligence to Evaluate Risks and Attacks
by: Aditya K. Sood
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Mercury Learning and Information (30 Mar. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 450 pages
ISBN-10: 1683926854
ISBN-13: 9781683926856
Book Description
This book is designed for security and risk assessment professionals,DevOpsengineers,penetration testers,cloud security engineers,and cloud softwaredevelopers who are interested in learning practical approaches to cloud security. It covers practical strategies for assessing the security and privacy of your cloud infrastructure and applications and shows how to make your cloud infrastructure secure to combat threats,attacks,and prevent data breaches. The chapters are designed with a granular framework,starting with the security concepts,followed by: hand-on assessment techniques based on real-world studies,and concluding with recommendations including best practices.
Includes practical strategies forassessing the security and privacy of your cloud infrastructure andapplications
Coverstopics such as cloud architecture and security fundamentals,database andstorage security,data privacy,security and risk assessments,controls relatedto continuous monitoring,and more
Presents several case studies revealing how threat actors abuse and exploit cloudenvironments to spread malware
Empirical Cloud Security Practical Intelligence to Evaluate Risks and Attacks 9781683926856.pdf[/erphpdown]