Pretty good embedded design approach, illustrated by the example of a remote temperature measuring system.
Once you have a schematic, an eval board, and a set of requirements, you are ready to begin design of your embedded software system. This ebook demonstrates a topdown architecture technique, helps with the choice of runtime pattern, and develops module interaction diagrams for the example system. It reveals how a finished design emerges from the repeated interaction between architecture studies, module interaction analysis, and code prototyping. Readily available hardware is pictured and code libraries shown which allow the reader to build, and debug their own version of the example project.
Table of Contents
Design Prerequisites
Design Notes
Software Design
Preliminary Design
Runtime Pattern
Detailed Design
Module Catalog
Design In Safety
Design Review
Appendix A – Design Prerequisites
Example Project Safety Analysis
Example Project Requirements
Example Project Hardware
Device IO Code Examples
Appendix B – Source Code for AirTemp
Arduino Libraries Used:
Obtaining Machine Readable Source Code
Embedded Software Design with Remote Temperature Sensing Example
Formal Verification of Just-In-Time Compilation
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