Doing Digital: The Guide to Digital for Non-Technical Leaders

Doing Digital: The Guide to Digital for Non-Technical Leaders
by 作者: Ved Sen (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Business Expert Press
Publication Date 出版日期: 2022-12-20
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 270 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1637424094
ISBN-13 书号: 9781637424094

Book Description

Understanding Digital is the Most Critical Skill of the Decade

Every business is a digital business and understanding digital is probably the most critical skill of the decade, as the pandemic has accelerated the journey to digital work and lifestyles.

Digital includes design, data, and numerous technologies, from APIs to Blockchain and from Cloud to Artificial Intelligence, and it can be daunting for non-technology people to work through the concepts as well as all the jargon. We can’t all be experts on these areas but for most of us, whatever our profession, doing digital is no longer optional.

This book will give you both a conceptual framework to understand digital, as well as an execution model (Connect-Quantify-Optimize) to actually do digital, in a simple and engaging way.


Doing Digital is a practical and inspiring book for non-digital executives and professionals. It is absolutely required reading on our leading digital health transformation Masters. –Prof. Martin Curley, Director of Digital Transformation, Health Services Executive (HSE), Ireland
Doing Digital is that standout publication which describes in plain English what the essence of digital means and the critical elements for being successful. This has been my ‘go to’ reference when discussing what the practical aspects of digital mean for an organization. –Owen Coppage, CIO & Energy Utility IT Advisor, Australia & New Zealand

About the Author

Ved Sen has been working on the business adoption of emerging technologies for most of his working life, from web technologies in the mid 90s, to IPTV, Mobile, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and AI. Along the way he has worked with start-ups and large organizations across a range of industries, on digital initiatives. Ved moved to the UK in 2003 and lives just outside London. He leads Innovation for Tata Consultancy Services in the UK & Ireland and spends his days focusing on emergent problems and opportunities.

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