Digital Video Processing for Engineers: A Foundation for Embedded Systems Design

Digital Video Processing for Engineers: A Foundation for Embedded Systems Design
Author: Suhel Dhanani (Author), Michael Parker (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Newnes
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2012-10-24
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 232 pages
ISBN-10: 0124157602
ISBN-13: 9780124157606

Book Description

Any device or system with imaging functionality requires a digital video processing solution as part of its embedded system design. Engineers need a practical guide to technology basics and design fundamentals that enables them to deliver the video component of complex projects.

This book introduces core video processing concepts and standards, and delivers practical how-to guidance for engineers embarking on digital video processing designs using FPGAs. It covers the basic topics of video processing in a pictorial, intuitive manner with minimal use of mathematics. Key outcomes and benefits of this book for users include: understanding the concepts and challenges of modern video systems; architect video systems at a system level; reference design examples to implement your own high definition video processing chain; understand implementation trade-offs in video system designs.

  • Video processing is a must-have skill for engineers working on products and solutions for rapidly growing markets such as video surveillance, video conferencing, medical imaging, military imaging, digital broadcast equipment, displays and countless consumer electronics applications
  • This book is for engineers who need to develop video systems in their designs but who do not have video processing experience. It introduces the fundamental video processing concepts and skills in enough detail to get the job done, supported by reference designs, step-by-step FPGA- examples, core standards and systems architecture maps
  • Written by lead engineers at Altera Corp, a top-three global developer of digital video chip (FPGA) technology


“Parker and Dhanani…explain basic concepts and applications of video technology so engineers can either build their own video systems or integrate third-party video technology into their products. Their treatment might also be useful to people who need to know the basics but not the details for technical marketing and sales, and to executives in the many business that require video technology.” –Reference and Research Book News, December 2012


Add video to your embedded application with this practical introduction to digital video processing

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