Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java: Build maintainable and long-lasting applications with Java and Quarkus, 2nd Edition

Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java: Build maintainable and long-lasting applications with Java and Quarkus 2nd ed. Edition
by 作者: Davi Vieira (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing; 2nd ed. edition (September 29, 2023)
Language 语言: English
pages 页数: 438 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1837635110
ISBN-13 书号: 9781837635115

Book Description
Learn to build robust, resilient, and highly maintainable cloud-native Java applications with hexagonal architecture and Quarkus

Key Features
Use hexagonal architecture to increase maintainability and reduce technical debt
Learn how to build systems that are easy to change and understand
Leverage Quarkus to create modern cloud-native applications
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Book Description
We live in a fast-evolving world with new technologies emerging every day, where enterprises are constantly changing in an unending quest to be more profitable. So, the question arises — how to develop software capable of handling a high level of unpredictability. With this question in mind, this book explores how the hexagonal architecture can help build robust, change-tolerable, maintainable, and cloud-native applications that can meet the needs of enterprises seeking to increase their profits while dealing with uncertainties. This book starts by uncovering the secrets of the hexagonal architecture’s building blocks, such as entities, use cases, ports, and adapters. You’ll learn how to assemble business code in the domain hexagon, create features with ports and use cases in the application hexagon, and make your software compatible with different technologies by employing adapters in the framework hexagon. In this new edition, you’ll learn about the differences between a hexagonal and layered architecture and how to apply SOLID principles while developing a hexagonal system based on a real-world scenario. Finally, you’ll get to grips with using Quarkus to turn your hexagonal application into a cloud-native system.
By the end of this book, you’ll be able to develop robust, flexible, and maintainable systems that will stand the test of time.

What you will learn
Apply SOLID principles to the hexagonal architecture
Assemble business rules algorithms using the specified design pattern
Combine domain-driven design techniques with hexagonal principles to create powerful domain models
Employ adapters to enable system compatibility with various protocols such as REST, gRPC, and WebSocket
Create a module and package structure based on hexagonal principles
Use Java modules to enforce dependency inversion and ensure software component isolation
Implement Quarkus DI to manage the life cycle of input and output ports

Who this book is for
This book is for software architects and Java developers looking to improve code maintainability and enhance productivity with an architecture that allows changes in technology without compromising business logic. Intermediate knowledge of the Java programming language and familiarity with Jakarta EE will help you to get the most out of this book.

Table of contents
1.Why Hexagonal Architecture?
2.Wrapping Business Rules inside Domain Hexagon
3.Handling Behavior with Ports and Uses Cases
4.Creating Adapters to Interact with the Outside World
5.Exploring the Nature of Driving and Driven Operations
6.Building the Domain Hexagon
7.Building the Application Hexagon
8.Building the Framework Hexagon
9.Applying Dependency Inversion with Java Modules
10.Adding Quarkus to a Modularized Hexagonal Application
11.Leveraging CDI Beans to Manage Ports and Use Cases
12.Using RESTEasy Reactive to lmplement Input Adapters
13.Persisting Data with Output Adapters and Hibernate Reactive
14.Setting Up Dockerfile and Kubernetes Objects for Cloud Deployment
15.Comparing Hexagonal Architecture with Layered Architecture
N.B.Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)

About the Author
Davi Vieira is a software craftsman with a vested interest in the challenges faced by large enterprises in software design, development, and architecture. He has more than 10 years of experience constructing and maintaining complex, long-lasting, and mission-critical systems using object-oriented languages. He values the good lessons and the software development tradition left by others who came before him. Inspired by this software tradition, he develops and evolves his ideas.
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