Cybersecurity: The Beginner’s Guide: A comprehensive guide to getting started in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity: The Beginner’s Guide: A comprehensive guide to getting started in cybersecurity
by 作者: Dr. Erdal Ozkaya
ISBN-10 书号: 1789616190
ISBN-13 书号: 9781789616194
Publication Date 出版日期: 2019-05-27
Pages 页数: 396 pages

Book Description
It’s not a secret that there is a huge talent gap in the cybersecurity industry. Everyone is talking about it including the prestigious Forbes Magazine,Tech Republic,CSO Online,DarkReading,and SC Magazine,among many others. Additionally,Fortune CEO’s like Satya Nadella,McAfee’s CEO Chris Young,Cisco’s CIO Colin Seward along with organizations like ISSA,research firms like Gartner too shine light on it from time to time.
This book put together all the possible information with regards to cybersecurity,why you should choose it,the need for cybersecurity and how can you be part of it and fill the cybersecurity talent gap bit by bit. Starting with the essential understanding of security and its needs,we will move to the security domain changes and how artificial intelligence and machine learning are helping to secure systems. Later,this book will walk you through all the skills and tools that everyone who wants to work as a security personal needs to be aware of. Then,this book will teach readers how to think like an attacker and explore some advanced security methodologies.
Lastly,this book will dive deep into how to build practice labs,explore real-world use cases,and get acquainted with various security certifications.
By the end of this book,readers will be well-versed with the security domain and will be capable of making the right choices in the cybersecurity field
Things you will learn
Get an overview of what cybersecurity is,learn about the different faces of cybersecurity and identify the domain that suits you best
Plan your transition into cybersecurity in an efficient and effective way
Learn how to build upon your existing skills and experience in order to prepare for your career in cybersecurity
1 Importance of Cybersecurity
2 Security Evolution — From Legacy to Advanced,to ML and AI
3 Learning Cybersecurity Technologies
4 Skills We Need for a Cybersecurity Career
5 Attacker Mindset
6 Understanding Reactive,Proactive,and Operational Security
7 Networking,Mentoring,and Shadowing
8 Cybersecurity Labs
9 Knowledge Check and Certifications
10 Security Intelligence Resources
11 Expert Opinions on Getting Started with Cybersecurity
12 How to Get Hired in Cybersecurity,Regardless of Your Background

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