Cybercryptography Applicable Cryptography for Cyberspace Security

Cybercryptography: Applicable Cryptography for Cyberspace Security
Authors: Song Y. Yan
ISBN-10: 3319725343
ISBN-13: 9783319725345
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed. 2019
Released: 2019-01-09
Pages: 436 pages
This book provides the basic theory,techniques,and algorithms of modern cryptography that are applicable to network and cyberspace security. It consists of the following nine main chapters: Chapter 1 provides the basic concepts and ideas of cyberspace and cyberspace security,Chapters 2 and 3 provide an introduction to mathematical and computational preliminaries,respectively.
Chapters 4 discusses the basic ideas and system of secret-key cryptography,whereas Chapters 5,6,and 7 discuss the basic ideas and systems of public-key cryptography based on integer factorization,discrete logarithms,and elliptic curves,respectively. Quantum-safe cryptography is presented in Chapter 8 and offensive cryptography,particularly cryptovirology,is covered in Chapter 9.
This book can be used as a secondary text for final-year undergraduate students and first-year postgraduate students for courses in Computer,Network,and Cyberspace Security. Researchers and practitioners working in cyberspace security and network security will also find this book useful as a reference.
1.Cyberspace Security and Cryptography
2.Mathematical Preliminaries
3.Computational Preliminaries
4.Secret-Key Cryptography
5.Factoring Based Cryptography
6.Logarithm Based Cryptography
7.Eliptic Curve Cryptography
8.Quantum Safe Cryptography
9.Offensive Cryptography[/erphpdown]

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