Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education

Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education (Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development (AHEPD)) 1st Edition
by: Dong Hwa Choi (Author,Editor),Amber Dailey-Hebert,Judi Simmons Estes (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ IGI Global; 1st edition (July 31,2020)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 328 pages
ISBN-10: 1799849600
ISBN-13: 9781799849605

Book Description

For the last decade,virtual reality has been utilized in diverse fields such as entertainment,medicine,and industry. Recently,virtual reality has been applied in educational settings in order to transform student learning and experiences through such methods as building prototypes using digital devices or exploring new cultures through immersive interactions. Teachers who can incorporate virtual reality into their classrooms can provide their students with more meaningful learning experiences and can witness higher engagement. Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education is a cutting-edge academic research book that provides comprehensive research on the integration of virtual reality in education programs and establishes foundations for course design,program development,and institutional strategic planning. The book covers an overall understanding and approach to virtual reality in education,specific applications of using virtual reality in higher education,and prospects and issues of virtual reality in the future. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as gamification,teacher training,and virtual reality,this book is ideal for teachers,instructional designers,curriculum developers,academicians,program developers,administrators,educational software developers,policymakers,researchers,education professionals,and students.
Current and Prospective Applications of Virtual Reality in Higher Education

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