Big Data and Edge Intelligence for Enhanced Cyber Defense: Principles and Research
Big Data and Edge Intelligence for Enhanced Cyber Defense: Principles and Research (Edge AI in Future Computing) Author:...
Big Data and Edge Intelligence for Enhanced Cyber Defense: Principles and Research (Edge AI in Future Computing) Author:...
Bayesian Machine Learning in Geotechnical Site Characterization (Challenges in Geotechnical and Rock Engineering) Author...
User Experience Methods and Tools in Human-Computer Interaction Author: Constantine Stephanidis (Editor), Gavriel Salven...
Foundations and Fundamentals in Human-Computer Interaction Author: Constantine Stephanidis (Editor), Gavriel Salvendy (E...
Interaction Techniques and Technologies in Human-Computer Interaction Author: Constantine Stephanidis (Editor), Gavriel ...
Programming Language Explorations Author: Ray Toal (Author), Sage Strieker (Author), Marco Berardini (Author) & 0 m...
A Gamer’s Introduction to Programming in C#: Welcome Brave Adventurer! Author: Aaron Langille (Author) Publisher f...
AI-Driven IoT Systems for Industry 4.0 (Edge AI in Future Computing) Author: Deepa Jose (Editor), Preethi Nanjundan (Edi...
Semiconducting Fibers: Preparation, Advances, and Applications Author: Ram K. Gupta (Editor) Publisher finelybook 出版社: ...
Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Science: An Emerging Technology in Criminal Investigation Systems Author: Kavita Sai...